Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Abul A'la Maududi



Ta'alluq Billah

Meaning of Ta'alluq Billah

How to increase Ta'alluq Billah

Means of growing Ta'alluq Billah

Measure of Ta'alluq Billah

Preference of the Akhirah

Means to develop concern for Akhirah

Avoid Takabbur (Arrogance)

Attend to your kith and kin

Mutual Islah (Betterment)

Collective Ihtisab (Criticism)

Sama'a and Ta'at

Advice to the local heads

Devotion and Sacrifice

Advice to Women

Collective lhtisab (Criticism)

Mutual criticism is also a fruitful way of collective reform. Bring to the notice of your fellow workers their faults and shortcomings in a very polite and sincere manner. But be careful as

it may prove disastrous if the etiquettes of sincere criticism are not duly observed. The etiquettes of fair criticism are as under:

1. Critiscism should not be made every time and everywhere.

2. Before criticising anybody first examine your own heart considering Allah as a witness whether you are criticising out of sincerity and for the well being or it is motivated due to

personal impulse. In the case of the former, the criticism is indeed fully justified otherwise you should hold your tongue and try to get rid of this impurity from your personality.

3. Your words and manner of criticism should make everyone feel that you really want reform and betterment.

4. Be sure that your complaint is based on real and hard facts before criticizing anybody. Baseless criticism without getting sure of its facts is a sin and create disorder.

5. The person who is criticised should give a calm hearing to the complaint, then ponder over it without any prejudice. He should concede to the truth plainly and counter the wrong with

impassive reasoning. To get annoyed on criticism shows arrogance and vanity.

6. The criticism, and its rebuttal should not prolong and turn into a permanent altercation. Discussion is worth while till both the viewpoints are duly elaborated but if the matter is not

settled, postpone discussion and let both of them reconsider the whole matter coolly and separately.

The criticism within such limits is not only helpful but also necessary to set right our social life. No Islamic Jama'ah can keep itself on right direction without such constructive

criticism Nobody in the Jama'ah should be above criticism. I regard it indispensable for the stability of the Islamic Movement and I am sure that the day this healthy criticism is stopped,

the Movement would succumb to various ills resulting in its destruction. That is why I had always been convening a special meeting after the general meeting of the Jama'ah ever since

its inception, to critically assess the whole work of the organization and its structure. In such special meetings I offer myself first for criticism, so that any objection or complaint

against me or my performance should be brought openly before all without any hesitation. Either the criticism will correct me, or my explanation will clear the misunderstanding of the

critic as well as all those whose thinking are identical.

Advice to Women

Much of what I have already said is common to both men and women. Now, I will say something exclusively for the women who are in any way attached with the Islamic Movement.

The first and foremost requirement for you is to acquire as much knowledge of Islam as possible. Study not only the Qur'an but also Hadith and Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) with full

understanding. Limit not yourselves only to the basic knowledge of Islam and requirements of faith (Iman) but try to know Islamic injunctions regarding your personal life, family life,

and general social living. One of the main causes of un-Islamic customs and practices becoming common in Muslim families is the ignorance of our women folk about the teaching of

Islam and Islamic injunctions.

Next thing for you to do is to try to mould your practical life, your morals and your character as well as the life and atmosphere at your home according to your knowledge of Islam.

Muslim woman must be so firm and strict that she should stick to what she considers right despite the opposition and hurdle from her family or other relatives. She should not concede

to anything wrong under any sort of pressure. No doubt, the parents, the husband and other elders of the family deserve obedience, respect and regard and they must never be treated with

insubordination and arrogance, but the rights and will of Allah and His Prophet (p) reign supreme. Whosoever presses you to adopt the path of disobedience to Allah and His Prophet (p)

flatly refuse to obey, be he your father or your husband Never bow to anyone in this respect. Rely on Allah and bravely face the worst of the consequences, even if it leads to the

destruction of your worldly life. The stronger your determination to adhere to Islam, the better shall be its effect on your family environments by the grace of Allah. You shall, thus, get

a golden opportunity to reform your homes. On the contrary, if you yield to unwarranted and anti-Islamic demands, your own personal life will be deprived of the blessings of Islam, and

you will set a bad example of weakness in faith and morals for the people around you.

Your third responsibility is to give priority to your near and dear ones in the matter of reform and improvement in Islamic way of life Those of our sisters, whom Allah has gifted with

children, are in fact appearing for a test in which if they fail, no other success can compensate this failure. Their own children deserve their best attention. It is their prime responsibility

to train their children well in Islam and with its etiquettes. Married ladies also have the responsibility of keeping their husbands on the right path and to assist them in remaining steadfast

in their march if they are already on the right path. A daughter can also convey the truth to her parents observing due respect and regard for them. The least she can manage to do is to

offer them Islamic books to read.

Fourthly, spend as much time as you can spare from your household duties to convey the knowledge of Islam to the women folk around you. Impart education to young girls and

uneducated elderly women . Provide useful Islamic literature to ladies who are literate. Arrange women gatherings and explain the taching of Islam to them. If you cannot speak in public,

just read out relevant and useful extracts from literature to them. In short, try your level best, using all possible ways and means to eliminate ignorance and illiteracy in the ladies around


Monday, December 22, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

study plan

One patho chapter daily, till Jan 4th.
First aid: one hr daily
Q bank: one hr
1 lec video
Goljan lecture daily


A new day:
Today's schedule: Just studies till night:
DH is taking care of everything, I am doing Red blood cell disorders.
I have to regularly fill my daily evaluation form... (will report tonight inshaAllah)

My very first blog

Salam peace,

I am starting my personal very first blog.
It will be my diary, it will be my log, my daily journal, which will keep me focus, it will make the self evaluation and personal accountability easier for me.
It will also provide an easy way to communicate with my family and friends, they can come here and see how are my days n nights.
Lots of prayers!


A nice poem:

"Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn!
Look to this Day!
For it is Life, the very Life of Life.
In its brief course lie all the
Verities and Realities of your Existence.
The Bliss of Growth,
The Glory of Action,
The Splendor of Beauty;
For Yesterday is but a Dream,
And To-morrow is only a Vision;
But To-day well lived makes
Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,
And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
Look well therefore to this Day!
Such is the Salutation of the Dawn!"

Saying of my beloved Prophet (pbuh)

"Acquire knowledge,

because he who acquires it, in the way of the Lord, performs an act of piety;

who speaks of it praises the Lord;

who seeks it, adores God,

who dispenses instruction in it, bestows alms;

and who imparts it to its fitting objects, performs an act of devotion to God.

Knowledge enables its possessor to distinguish what is forbidden from what is not;

lights the way to Heaven;

it is our friend in the desert,

our companion in solitude, our companion, when bereft of riends;

it guides us to happiness;

it sustains us in misery;

it is our ornament in the company of friends;

it serves as an armor against our enemies.

With knowledge the creatures of Allah rises to the heights of goodness and to noble position, associates with the sovereigns in this world and attains the perfection of happiness in the next."


With every breath that we breathe, may we be ever aware of the Divine Presence, the Source of all that we receive.

With every step that we take, may we always honor the Light which guides us, the Source and Nourisher of all of creation.

Every moment of this life is filled with your eternal radiance my Beloved, You are the Beneficent One who endlessly showers all of creation with nourishment and blessings, and the One who generously rewards those who live in harmony with Your Divine Will.